Boy Scout Troop 158 is part of the Swamp Rabbit District of the Blue Ridge Council in Greenville, SC. We are chartered by the Rotary Club of Simpsonville in Simpsonville, SC. The troop, led by Scoutmaster Todd Dover, meets every Tuesday night at 7:00 pm at First Baptist Simpsonville (old elementary school building). We have approximately 50 scouts from the rank of Scout to Eagle organized in six boy led patrols.
Troop 158 is active all year round with activities such as camping, hiking, service projects, as well as many special events such as week-long canoeing trips, summer camp, scout camporees, and Philmont Scout Ranch. Please see our calendar of events for the activities we have scheduled this year, and feel free to drop in during a meeting to see what we are all about.
If you have any questions, please use the Contact Us page to send them our way.
If you are ready to join our troop, please click here.
- Donations to Troop or Scout in the Troop
- Boston Butts Sales April 12th (Open February 10, 2025 - April 5, 2025)
- Christmas Tree Pickup Jan 3, 2026 (Open: November 20, 2025 through Jan 2, 2026)
Summer Camp 2023
Philmont 2023